Fans of the game Pharaoh: a New Era received a large update from developers 1.5.0. Triskell Interactive reported that a mission editor appeared in a fresh patch, new content for individual levels, and many errors have been corrected.

The most important innovation of the update was the long -awaited editor of the missions. In this mode, players will be able to create their own cards, as well as download cards created by other users. All created cards can be found on the tab "My cards".

Developers mention the possibility of creating a second tab for more convenient Arena Management. Separate steps are described in the message that appeared in Steam. Such a decision can guarantee many years of players in the Pharaoh remake, and this cannot but rejoice the developers.

In addition to the editor of the missions, the update also brought new content in separate missions:

  • In the oasis of Dunkul, towers are now available;
  • Jewelers appeared in the oasis of Dahla.

As for the correction of errors that arise, we will give only a few points:

  • Fixed restriction on import/export of merchants;
  • Fixed the upper range of years for events;
  • improved the end of the battles;
  • Fixed the use of pedestrians of a longer route instead of shorter;
  • fixed the appearance of anxiety signals when thieves entered the golden carriers;
  • Fixed roads in the floodplains of rivers, which, after flooding, became unsuitable for use;
  • Added new tips when downloading.

You can find the remaining details directly in the announcement from Triskell Interactive.

Recall that Pharaoh: a New Era came out in February this year on a PC via Steam and Gog. Pharaoh remake causes ambiguous reviews – at the moment on the Valve platform, he received more than 3 thousand. reviews, of which less than 70% are positive.