The Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2953 event has just ended in the Star Citizen, but Cloud Imperium Games has a lot of interesting things.

First of all, today we received a new video demonstrating part of the PYRO system, which the limited part of the players had recently been tested.

Pyro is a lawless system adjacent to the current Stanton, populated by pirates and ruthless gangs. It will be fully implemented in version 4.0, which should appear next year.

Developers talk about the implementation of a system that is completely different from Stanton in terms of visual, atmosphere and even gameplay.

The end of the IAE 2953 event marks the largest event in the history of Star Citizen from the point of view of crowdfunding. For two weeks, which have passed since November 14, the backers gave almost $ 24 million (more precisely, $ 23,785 939).

This broke the previous record belonging to IAE 2952 last year, which earned a little more than $ 21.6 million. IAE 2951 took third place in 2021, which earned a little less than $ 19.7 million.

This event not only includes the largest day in the history of the game, which earned $ 3.5 million on November 25, but November 2023 became the largest month in the history of crowdfunding Star Citizen, earnings of $ 28 million.

2023 will also be the biggest year for Star Citizen. In order to beat the record of 2022, she only needs to raise $ 5 million in December, which should be easily feasible.

In total, the crowdfunding campaign of the game has just overcome $ 649 million, and at the moment it is $ 649 154 173 at 4,957,770 registered accounts.

The breeds said, we will play you for the money ourselves play the game and you watch.

Our slogan of the company, we strive the game for your money.

What are you talking about, they can play it, even free weekends are.

Free weekend in a game that is not 🤣🤣🤣

Not only strip. You look at the whole surroundings and the merchant, which is around this fat. It is clear where the grandmas go. Obviously not for active development.

The most amazing thing is that there are those who still believe and carry money.

Agree with you.
And just go into the game and understand that you were thrown. But alas, hamsters are hawing, they have no choice.
At the same time, the game costs 50 bucks, a standard edition (without a game) another 50 bucks. And premium is still 60 bucks.

This is just the most unimportant, you look around, now there are people (adult educated people. ) who believe in flat land, and you are surprised by the number of nemmones that believe in Star Citizen? Nemmonts will never be translated.

How they will understand by going into the game that they were thrown?

For early access, they do not pay for AAAAAAA+-=, what kind of divorce is this?)) Maybe, according to the law, everything is ok, but also Fin. Pirammmides also work, I don’t see the difference)

"And just go into the game and understand that you were thrown. But alas, hamsters are hawing, they have no choice." – and what’s in there ?
"At the same time, the game costs 50 bucks, a standard edition (without a game) another 50 bucks. And premium is still 60 bucks." – what else for a standard publication without a game, what a premium publication for 60 bucks ?

2023 will also be the biggest year for Star Citizen. In order to beat the record of 2022, she only needs to raise $ 5 million in December, which should be easily feasible.

Come on guys! I believe in you. For so many years you were tired and really can’t? Do you really allow yourself to lose it that you had prevailed last year? No, you can’t!

Give a new record in 2024?!

You give new records ! More than $$ $$ $ $ dollar

We need BOOO more gold!

They plan to release the game at all?

Of course they plan, and you won’t even believe it, and when your great-great-great-great-laws will launch her on their wrist holographic clock-CPC sitting in a cozy chair of the pilot’s own space interplanetary courier ship, then you will be ashamed even from the grave that you have not believed in these worthy developers and never have never met the nemmones that they had given them.

Yes, a squadron in 2024, you read the news or not ?

They want a hike to a billion to get free money!?)))

yes there is already a little left.

And somewhere in the depths of Hell, dousing with tears and snot with envy, poor Mavrodi rummaging around, who once turned on billions like candy wrappers and died like a bum in a poverty at a bus stop.

And he could rivet boats for Star Cityizen one time every three years and sell them for 10 thousand. dollars apiece

That’s why tears and drenched from an attack of uncontrolled greed, we sympathize with the poor thing for him. By the way, they rivet 5-10 boats a year and sell so that here Mavrodi is a heart attack to be a little every evening, judging by how many non-dimensions they buy.

Or maybe this is some kind of worldwide census of gullible morons? Well, like a social experiment, they say, how many model people live on the planet "at least a senior in the eye, all God’s dew", And are there any chances of humanity to survive and become a reasonable space race 😂😂😂

Damn it really, you intrigued straight !

But if you are right to humanity.

Why release a game if it comes out to stop making a profit??))

Another 17 minutes n ****

What is the deception, Pyro will not ?

There will be no release. Eternal alpha, then eternal beta. The main thing is to bring money. Blessed, who believes.

Um, what do you mean by release ?
Provine, in English and legally there is no difference between the release of the alpha version and the release of any other version.
I just didn’t ask how much I could not clearly answer why Starcitizen still has not come out if he came out back in 2013, all the more, the developers sell the not-so-current version of the game, in fact, the same squadron was removed from the Pledge Store , since she is Feature Complete, which means it cannot be sold like a Pledge package, what does it mean, tell us ?

So you can call the release – the readiness of all planets from the systems according to the luru ? Readiness of all ships, including from Laura ? Well, or the closure of the Pledge Store, which gradually has been happening since 2017 ?

Release – a game product completed in the development of all content, all gaming mechanics and without critical bugs, leading to the impossibility of playing. Where is the plot campaign? Where all the declared systems and ships? Where is the whole game world and all the declared mechanics? This "product" even officially in version "Alpha 3" Since 2017. What is the release? When? Where? For what?

"Release – a game product completed in the development of all content, all gaming mechanics and without critical bugs, leading to the impossibility of playing."
Immediately questions arise, I managed to take the ECPD exam once, but I also know about the foreign life cycle.
But, the first question – "finished in development", means that the development is completed completely, t.e. Completed support ? According to this criterion, it turns out that Minecraft, Cyberpunk, GTA 5 have not yet come out, their development, support continues to this day, here in Cyberpanca in 2.1 add metro, which they promised for a very long time.
Second question, "With all content, all game mechanics" – Here you confirm my words, t.e. Until the last update/DLC is released, the game cannot be counted, so it turns out that some Flight Simulator X still has not come out and will never come out.
Third question, "leading to the impossibility of playing." – T.e. While such errors remain in the software, it is not considered to be published, and if these errors appear trite due to the fact that the game cannot work correctly on the gland on more modern architecture – whether this game is considered, whose development was completed 20 years ago – not released – not released ?

But it’s okay with that.
"Where is the plot campaign?" – Remote from Pledge Store, is in the status of Feature Complete, obviously the release until the fall of next year.
"Where all the declared systems and ships?" – In development, and with the systems it was immediately declared that most of the systems will be added as part of the game updates after entering "gold", that for MMO the norm, in general, we can say that Genshin Impact has not come out, because, but where are all the characters and where are all regions ? Moreover, the ships can be announced at any time, or we are talking about old blanks ?

"Where is the whole game world and all the declared mechanics?" – PU has been available since 2015, and game mechanics have been introduced by updates, actually recently added salvazh, have already demonstrated engineering gameplay and construction of advanposts, with the timing of the implementation until the next autumn.

"This "product" even officially in version "Alpha 3" Since 2017. What is the release? When? Where? For what?" – before "Alpha 4.0" The numbering of versions of CIG is hybrid, according to the version of Star Citizen, are divided into 4 versions – Tech Preview, Etu, Ptu, Live – the latter corresponds to the version in Live Release.

P.S. Another question is, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 came out or not, otherwise the beta version is still there, and not all mechanics, regions, planes are added ?