
After the launch of Baldur’s Gate 3 reached a phenomenal mark of 800 thousand. simultaneous players in Steam and received the highest rating of PC Gamer over the past 16 years, but over the years spent in early access, they did not expect anything special from it.

An example is the document for May 2022, accidentally leaked from Microsoft as part of its trial with FTC, in which Baldur’s Gate 3 is described as "second -rate role -playing game for PC and Stadia" ("Second-Run Stadia PC RPG"), which Microsoft hoped to release on PC Game Pass for about 5 million. dollars.

The leak was commented by the head of Larian Sven Vinka.

I would like to meet this analyst. This is a rather erroneous assessment. Someone did not do a homework.

Director of Larian for publishing Michael Douse (Michael Daws) in response to such an assessment said that he was not surprised by low expectations of Microsoft.

In fairness, Baldur’s Gate 3 underestimated not only Microsoft. It was also with Divinity: Original Sin 2. This is due to both the genre and how we are doing business in Larian. There are simply no data on the market that would allow you to understand how well Baldur’s Gate 3 will show itself. We had to go to huge risks, and each step was a terrible jump of faith. Players, of course, did not underestimate us, but I thought it was already obvious

The rating of Microsoft was part of the list of ideas for including games in the Xbox Game Pass subscription. There were and "low" The chances of turning on games like Jedi Survivor from EA, for which, according to Microsoft, you will have to pay up to 300 million. dollars if EA suddenly agrees.

The impetus for the exchange of views was that Starfield output was posted to a later date, as a result of which a 16-month break between significant games on Xbox services, which the head of the company Phil Spencer called "catastrophic situation". Subsequently, the release of Baldur’s Gate 3 was planned at about the same time as Starfield, and then moved a month in advance – supposedly in order to avoid the release of a larger RPG.

But as Starfield was PR

After the release of BG 3, Starfield’s advertising was not at all, only in the last week two

no, well, about 10 years ago it was quite the first variety, the problem is that over the years any first variety is fading

Thousand! A thousand planets. You just think about it. And on each you can create everything that your imagination will allow. and fashion. And this is your bastard 3? What can be created there, and? Porn content for certain sites? Yes, and here Starfield fashion over the years of this content will give that 10 of these games will be enough. Here and the bear will be possible with another cosmic creature. Perhaps even with a ship in the form of a Thomas steam locomotive.

Oh yes, fashion fashion fashion! The game will be finished with modern ones, not the outfit. Moders will also do optimization, even players make a translation, and such an indie as a studio as a gazebo did not have enough budget for a text translation of the game.

And what? When I was talking about the fact that Skyrim without mods is not very shameful to play ten years in fashion, the reaction of people was negative, gently to say.

even a lot of stubborn ones ran up, you do not like the BG3, chop into your overshucci, kalds and other thoughtless Callers!

One picture is better than thousands of words)

Wow, how many portraits of this cockroach duck222 in one place. )))

It seems to me if the BG3 came out a little later after the release of Starfield, she could calmly dial online in 1m.

If the game had not pirated there would be 1 cartoon 100%

As for me, just piracy and spurred the players to buy the game and, accordingly, the growth of online in Steam. I myself played 20 hours on a pirate and then bought it t.To. It is available in our region, unlike Starfield and costs 2k.

Yes, I didn’t think. I am the same =) And the truth, pumped, played, went, bought. But still there are not the same.

I agree, someone fundamentally does not buy licensed games)

These are the players who bought the game tons in early access? Like me, actually.
I had no doubt that it would work out excellent. Like there was no doubt that you need to wait for a supplemented edition. :)) The analyst really nifiga does not know about Larianov.

For example, I evaluate the game as good and solid, but I definitely can’t call a masterpiece. There is no second -rate either. Just a good game, such in 2001-2010 came out often quite often, and now, due to geeks of the Ubisoft type, we have 1 update release in 10 years, and from which we consider it incredibly masterpiece

How much sectarians of Starfield raided here

This battle will be legendary! although most likely they will be inhibited and forget

How many offenses under this post, it’s already nice! Pride of the Larian, thanks to them, it became easier to distinguish all sorts of Lermans and cockroaches from healthy people!

We discredit, young man?

You turn to a person who will never read your comment. But, I will support your logic – having met him, you politely put his hand in, skiing like.

"piggy", Further a comma, speech using a pronoun "You". From the point of view of linguistics, this is an appeal.

So far I am a deuce with a pencil.

You will get a job, you will make you how to put it down! You will also post on Insteus how much you smile are next to Sven! Just nasty things behind your back, at home, quietly, you will score and you will write.

And now the clown Phil Spencer himself does not know what he is thinking :))

In fact. BG 3 sucks.

Staby Baldurs Gate, is it heard. Even the originals were an action RPG.

Anty plot, subordinate characters.

Well, what is he wrong, this analyst ?

Maybe he loves the sorcerer more.

In fairness, Baldur’s Gate 3 underestimated not only Microsoft. It was also with Divinity: Original Sin 2.

It is doubtful if the first part was well accepted. DOS2 waited.

Perhaps the point is that such games are popular in a narrow circle and even AAA-game in such a genre will not collect much. But if there are no other games and it is presented like a kinzo with furies and bears, then.

Well, after all, the genre is quite niche. I also thought that when Starfield would come out (and this is a much more popular genre and the famous developer), Baldurs Gate was pushed away. But – justice has triumphed

How can you say this, if the game only came out and even the gazebo did not make its additional content, and a whole era of mods ahead?

I hope it was sarcasm, and if not, then I have a question, they are playing aaa class or designer for mods)

According to this logic, the Unity engine is 100 out of 10

You are the same dodik as the analyst from Microsoft.

And what MS is not right?) The game is really second -orte, however, like Starfield. And there and there, the plot is incho, the gameplay is standard for its genre, innovation and any special chips. And after half the passage of the game, I want to go faster. For boredom.

Again now I will grab the cons of, but I will express. The game is really second -rate and boring, one of the main reasons is terribly worked out characters. Astarion is a grocery snamp, which is simply not clear why in your detachment, a terribly nasty and vile character, he justifies his class in principle.(killed him one of the first). Shadowheart – a fanatic, which is important only by her goddess, of course, she is then revealed, but in general this is the only one of the two Persians who are at least somehow interesting. Gale-God, this is something with something. Himself is a complete IMBA, but it behaves as if at all for a lifetime. I want to love him, but in fact you do not experience any feelings for him and generally do not care about it or not. His only big plus is his death, well, you understand. Lae’zel – a non -worthy, unrequited character, I think she should have remained in the prologue. The benefit of her like Astarian can be safely killed. Will – that is still muck, at first I could like it, but when I recognized their connection with Karlach, he went to the priests (well, or what kind of god he knows him), a sort of makers from Vorld of Varcraft. FII is shorter. Karlach – I will not paint here, the top character is the only reason to play this garbage. Minthara – a good Persian, but it is difficult to empathize with it. (There is no hunting about others) But despite all the boredom, I think I should go once, overpower myself, so to speak between parties in space and hell.

Cool what you wrote "Poorly worked out characters" and at the same time described them rather on the good side of the characters)) you do not find the difference, the characters (hello to the Starfield Companions) and the characters irritating you will work out poorly. If your character causes a response, disgust, admiration, irritation, etc.D. it is called what was worked out, not an empty speaking cardboard. Plus in BG3, the characters of some characters can be changed during the game.

I read it, and I wanted to rely, plusk you from me)

Because they do not leave a response in the soul, and yes, villains and bastards can cause admiration (recall Artas, Nigan, Morrigan, etc.D.), call real emotions, worry about them. Here is generally fucking on them, even the same dark temptation, you play them, you bite off Gale’s hand and such. WELL? Brush. Here in Dragon Age Origins, I remember every prologue took for the soul. And the ending. And here. Even do not care that you have some kind of muck. Why remove it at all, it only helps, and your character will become different until you get to OPR. moment.

And you have a plus and a good day)

In what place is Morrigan the villain? She is MB Antherieu, but not a villain

And what, in fact, they were wrong? The fact that the game shot is the success of the exclusively marketing department of Larianov, who successfully pushed the cart with the bear for Soye.

As the BG3 game in 2023, he is much inferior not even to the strongest representatives of the genre, like the 2008 Tao, pancake pancake.

BG3 and is a third -rate RPG with zero variability, cut content, primitive and criminally light gameplay, indistinct plot, a bunch of alphabetical people and other soybean trash for nitacus.

Judging by the stream of delirium in absolutely every comments on different topics, I ask a question about your mental health friend. Everything is fine? Can you read just in case?

A phrase that can be attributed to any modern game

2009, just to write something)

And what do you think is the first RPG and with a wider variability? In the Tao of variability, it’s less, I am silent about other RPGs